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Method for identifying the appearance of stainless steel storage tanks

In some production and processing steps, stainless steel storage tanks are used, which are non-toxic and harmless, and their high temperature resistance is particularly good. However, some customers have reported to us that the method of identifying their appearance is very complicated, and they cannot do it by themselves. To this end, the technicians sum up two very simple ways to identify their appearance. Let's take a closer look at the two.

Two methods for identifying the appearance of stainless steel storage tanks: 

1, the identification of color: after pickling stainless steel, the Surface color is silvery and white: chrome-nickel stainless steel is silver-white and jade-colored; chrome stainless steel is white and slightly gray-gloss; chrome-manganese-nitrogen stainless steel has a slightly lighter color than chrome-nickel stainless steel. 

The Surface color of stainless steel without pickling: chrome-nickel steel is brownish white, chrome steel is brownish black, and chrome-manganese nitrogen is black (the three colors refer to the heavier oxidation color). Cold-rolled, non-annealed chrome-nickel stainless steel with reflective white Surface. Method 

2, iron stone identification: magnets can basically distinguish between two types of stainless steel. Because chrome stainless steel can be attracted by magnets under any condition; chrome-nickel stainless steel is generally non-magnetic in the annealed state, and some may be magnetic after cold working. 

However, high-manganese steel with higher manganese content is non-magnetic; the magnetic condition of chrome-nickel-nitrogen stainless steel is more complicated: some are non-magnetic, some are magnetic, some are non-magnetic in the longitudinal plane and magnetic in the transverse plane.